Monday, July 16, 2007

We Made It.

Well, we made it. My family and I have moved into our new place in Hillsboro KS. I appreciate those of you who have been praying for us. Our house sold this last week (God's perfect timing). I start my new job at Radio Shack on Wednesday and begin school in a little over a month. That said, there are still a lot of new and upcoming things headed my family's way. Your prayers are still appreciated for our future and our financial situation as we will be on a much tighter budget now.

In Him,

-Jacob Allee


Anonymous said...

Where is Hillsboro in relation to where you used to live? Are you still involved in the same local church?

risen_soul said...

Hillsboro is about 4 hours from where I used to live. We will be visiting a church about half an hour from here this Sunday called Newton Bible Church. We'll see if it's any good. It's elder led at least and expositional. Supposedly 4 out of 5 point Calvinists... I used to be that I guess.