Friday, September 21, 2007

Idolatry...Alive and Well!

Kathy Griffen while accepting her Emmy for her show "Life on the D List."

As compassionate as we are to be towards sinners and share the gospel of Christ with all who don't deserve grace, just as we ourselves do not deserve grace, there is still something that I think we should look forward to about God's justice.

One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

I would sincerely hate to be Kathy Griffen or one of the other millions of people like her who mock Jesus and give their worship to the idol of self appreciation or any other idol for that matter.

I think it's fair for Christians to feel two polar extremes when it comes to sinners.

1. We should feel love and compassion for them because we too are sinners just as worthy of destruction whom God has shown love and grace to.

2. We should also look forward to God's triumphant victory over sin and evil (that which He has already won on the cross, but we look to the total fulfillment of in the last days) when Christ returns and everything is put in subjection to Him and everyone will know that He is God.

As much as I long for Kathy Griffin's salvation, I too long for God's hand silencing the arrogant, boastful fools who have replaced the immortal God, the Creator of all things, and worshiped the creature, namely themselves, in His place.

Grace and Mercy are wonderful things... but so is God's justice. Is this not what Romans 9 speaks of? Is not God equally glorified by showing his mercy on His people as He is glorified by making an example out of Pharaoh?

It may seem a dichotomy to some, but I think Christians should love God's justice towards sinners as much as His grace towards sinners. I believe it is biblical to do so.

So may God save and show mercy on Kathy Griffen or may He justly condemn her for her hardened heart, regardless, to God be the Glory forever and ever AMEN!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I am sure glad that I don't walk in her shoes! How shocking it is to actually hear someone say something like that! She will have much to answer for someday if she doesn't find her way to God the Father!